Many proponents of marijuana think that its legalization for medical and recreational use has been slow in coming. Those who know the facts about marijuana know that the potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks. Many have asked their congressmen and representatives “What is recreational marijuana going to hurt?” Although the answer has been slow in coming, more states are getting on-board with the legalization of cannabis.
The Evolution of Cannabis
Through the years, the drug has gone through multiple changes in classification. Many people believe that the medicinal benefits of cannabis have just been recognized recently. In reality, its medical use dates back thousands of years. Then during the early 1900s, it was classified as a poison, with many states labeling it as such. During the mid-1930s, cannabis was regulated as a drug nationwide.
Another way that marijuana has evolved is through the various forms offered. In the past, cannabis was primarily smoked. Today, it is offered in a variety of edibles, vape cartridges, and topicals that can be applied to the outside of the body. These different forms help to remove the stigma and make the use of marijuana a more socially acceptable practice. Marijuana concentrates have also met the demand for more discreet, potent cannabis products.
Where Is Recreational Marijuana Legal in the US?
With marijuana usage’s evolution in modern culture, society is re-learning the benefits of cannabis as a form of therapy or treatment for medical conditions.
In 1996, California became the first state to legally allow the use of medical marijuana. Since then, thirty more states and the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico have enacted similar state cannabis programs.
Colorado became the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use in 2014. The state has seen multiple benefits during the years since, starting with the addition of more than $100 million in tax revenue coming in annually. The state has used the extra money to create housing programs, to assist jails, and to support health programs for mental health in Colorado’s middle schools.
During that time, a number of other states have followed suit. If you are wondering, “Is recreational cannabis legal in my state?” check out the following. As of 2018, recreational marijuana is legal in nine states including:
- Alaska
- California
- Colorado
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Nevada
- Oregon
- Vermont
- Washington
- Washington DC
In the past, the law leaned towards the opposition regarding marijuana use, including that for medical purposes. That outlook is changing for a number of reasons. It isn’t just about what it does; but also what it doesn’t do. Experts believe that marijuana is rarely addictive.
Although there are still plenty of people who debate whether marijuana is addictive or a risk to well-being, there’s no denying these qualities in other drugs like opioids.
The Benefits of Medical Marijuana
The most common use of medical marijuana in the U.S. is for pain control. Although it isn’t strong enough to treat severe pain, it does alleviate the pain caused by aging and chronic conditions that impact many Americans. Marijuana is an effective and safer pain treatment than opioids. There’s no risk of overdose and virtually no risk of addiction. People who can’t take other types of painkillers due to health problems can use cannabis without making their conditions worse.
Marijuana has also proven to be effective at treating the nerve pain experienced with multiple sclerosis. It can reduce the tremors in Parkinson’s disease. In fact, many conditions that cause chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, and endometriosis can be successfully treated with marijuana.
Other conditions medical marijuana is useful for treating include glaucoma, HIV, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Although all patients don’t experience the same results, the same is true for any type of pain medication and different patients who use them.
The Growing Support for Legalizing Recreational Marijuana
The majority of the public believes in the benefits of medical marijuana. At least 84% think medical marijuana should be legal. Although legalizing it for recreational use is less popular, the idea still has at least 61% of Americans on-board. That’s not surprising since it is the most commonly used drug in the world and the number of people using it in this country is growing.
There’s still a lot to learn about the benefits of cannabis. But people have been testing its benefits both legally and illegally for many years. Experts agree, marijuana is much safer than alcohol or tobacco, and it’s much less addictive. It has real medical value and makes life less stressful for those who use it recreationally. Reducing stress is the second most popular reason for using marijuana after pain relief.
People are accepting the idea that there are few risks associated with marijuana. Considering the many negative impacts stress can have on your health, that’s another benefit to consider from marijuana use.
Legalizing marijuana across the states would save the government money and increase cash flow into the individual states. It would stop the influx of drugs from outside the country and make it safer for those people who are going to use it no matter what.
Can I Order Cannabis Legally Online?
If you’re still asking, “Is recreational cannabis legal in my state?” then you probably don’t know your options for ordering marijuana online. Buying marijuana online is safer than buying it from many of your local dispensaries. It is legal to buy online as long as it is from a dispensary that is authorized as a seller. However, if you don’t live in one of the states where recreational marijuana is legal, the online dispensary won’t sell and deliver it to you.
If you do live in a legal state, buying online might be your best option. At Shango, we provide lots of information about our products. We are the leading medical and recreational marijuana dispensary license holder, grower, and manufacturer in multiple states. We are committed to setting the standards for product quality, technical business practices, customer service, and education for the entire cannabis industry.