The moment a cannabis plant is plucked from the soil, it starts to lose its freshness and potency. Factors such as light, temperature, humidity, and air exposure can significantly impact its quality. Neglecting proper CBD storage can quickly decrease its flavor and overall appeal. Whether you’re a casual user, a dedicated enthusiast, or rely on cannabis for medicinal purposes, understanding CBD storage and knowing how to store cannabis correctly can help prolong its shelf life and maintain its potency.

CBD Storage: proven tips and tricks

Cannabis, whether for recreational or medical use, will gradually degrade over time. By following these tips, you can ensure your weed remains as enjoyable as the day you got it.

  • Store in a cool, dry place
    High temperatures can cause your cannabis to dry out and the terpenes to evaporate. Terpenes are what give different strains their unique smells and flavors. If they evaporate, your cannabis will lose much of its distinct aroma and taste. To prevent this, keep your weed away from heat sources like heaters, water systems, or direct sunlight.
  • Maintain optimal humidity levels
    While marijuana needs oxygen during its growth phase, excessive air exposure during storage can lead to deterioration. The best way to store cannabis is to keep the relative humidity (RH) between 59% and 63%. Excess moisture can lead to mold, while too little can dry out your buds. To achieve the perfect balance, consider using humidity control packs. They work by releasing or absorbing moisture as needed to keep the RH within the ideal range, ensuring your cannabis stays fresh and potent.
  • Reduce direct sunlight exposure
    Protect your cannabis from sunlight or UV light, as these can break down cannabinoids and terpenes. Always store your containers in a dark place and avoid leaving your buds in direct sunlight.
  • Avoid freezing temperatures
    Freezing cannabis can make the trichomes — the resinous hairs that produce cannabinoids — brittle, causing them to break off and reduce potency. Instead, keep your cannabis in a cool environment, such as a drawer or closet.
  • Label the containers properly
    Label your containers with essential information such as the strain name and the date of purchase. Proper labeling can also prevent mix-ups and help you monitor the age and potency of your products over time.

Glass jars: the gold standard for cannabis storage

If you’re wondering how to store cannabis long-term, glass containers are your best option since they’re both airtight and nonporous. While it’s advisable to consume cannabis within six months to a year of harvest, using airtight lids prevents oxygen from penetrating the substance and affecting its taste. For greater protection, choose amber or opaque glass jars that block harmful UV light. While plastic and metal containers can work in the short term, they may eventually affect your weed’s aroma and taste. Additionally, plastic can generate static, which can damage the delicate trichomes and reduce the weed’s overall efficacy.

Ensure that any containers you use are thoroughly cleaned and free from dirt or grime, as these can harbor bacteria or mold spores. Ideally, there should be very little space between the lid and the product to maximize freshness. Too much air can lead to oxidation, which degrades the quality of your cannabis.

CBD storage tips for every product type

Proper storage techniques can vary depending on the type of cannabis product.

  • Edibles
    When stored under the right conditions, cannabis-infused products like gummies, chocolates, and brownies can maintain their quality for extended periods. Store edibles in the refrigerator, especially those containing sugar, oil, or flour. Freezing is an excellent way to extend their longevity, but ensure proper packaging to avoid freezer burn or odor absorption. Wrap gummies individually in parchment or wax paper, or place them in airtight containers. This helps simplify the thawing process and allows you to defrost one piece at a time.
  • Oils and tinctures
    Ideal storage conditions for oils and tinctures can vary slightly between products. However, it’s generally best to keep the bottles in a dark room at or below room temperature (approximately 23°C/73°F) and away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat can cause essential oils to oxidize and lose their potency. A tincture typically has a shelf life of about one year when stored at optimal temperatures. If kept in cooler conditions, it can last from 24 to 36 months. The best way to store cannabis oils is in dark glass bottles, even when kept in the fridge. Avoid storing oils and tinctures in the freezer, as freezing temperatures can cause them to thicken.
  • Flowers
    Exposure to air and fluctuating temperatures can dry out cannabis flowers, making them brittle and harsh to smoke. Proper storage helps maintain the ideal moisture content, keeping the buds fresh and enjoyable. Choose a jar that matches the amount of cannabis flowers you have. Avoid using a large, wide-mouthed jar for a small amount of cannabis, as excess oxygen in the jar can degrade the quality of the flower. Many cannabis enthusiasts prefer to have multiple jar sizes on hand. This way, they can easily transfer their buds to a more snugly fitting jar as they consume their stash.

How To Store Cannabis & CBD Products

Common CBD storage mistakes

Avoid these pitfalls to ensure your weed remains aromatic and flavorful:

  • Storing cannabis with glass pipes and bongs
    To preserve the pure essence of your favorite strains, always store your cannabis in an airtight container, separate from glass pipes and bongs. Residue from burned pot, resin and ash can cling to your glassware and contaminate the buds. The only time your cannabis and smoking accessories should be close together is when you’re ready to enjoy them.
  • Leaving weed in the grinder
    After grinding a bud and taking what you need, it can be tempting to leave the remainder in the grinder. Plastic grinders, however, generate static that harms trichomes. Plastic can also break down, leaking chemicals into your cannabis. After grinding, transfer the remaining weed to a sealed glass container to conserve its quality and ensure nothing goes to waste.
  • Choosing an area with fluctuating temperatures
    Avoid storing cannabis in places with frequent temperature changes, such as near windows or in the refrigerator door. These fluctuations can cause condensation, leading to mold growth.
  • Keeping different strains together
    Mixing strains can cause their unique aromas and effects to merge, diminishing their unique characteristics. Additionally, if one strain has a higher moisture content, it could potentially affect the others, leading to mold or degradation. Store them separately to fully enjoy the unique qualities of each strain.

How to tell if cannabis has gone bad

To determine if your cannabis has spoiled, gently break apart some of the flowers, leaves, or stems and check for these signs:

  • Unpleasant odor
    A musty, damp, or mildew-like odor is a strong sign that mold or mildew has developed. Additionally, a chemical or harsh smell can indicate contamination or improper curing and storage.
  • Presence of mold
    The most telltale sign of mold is found inside the buds, where the central flower cluster (the cola) takes on a light gray, dry, and cotton-like appearance. Mold-affected leaves also turn brittle and dry out quickly.
  • Crumbly texture
    Cannabis that has gone bad typically has a dry, dusty, and crumbly texture. Additionally, if the buds are excessively wet, spongy, or mushy inside, there is a high likelihood of mold or mildew growth.
  • Bland taste
    Crisp cannabis boasts a distinctive sharp, grassy aroma, but as it ages, this vibrant scent fades, leaving it bland and unappealing. Additionally, dry cannabis can produce a harsh smoke that irritates the throat when inhaled.

Enjoy premium quality cannabis at Shango

Understanding CBD storage is crucial for retaining the rich notes and smoothness of cannabis over the long term. For the ultimate cannabis experience, visit Shango. Step into our carefully curated dispensaries and explore a vast selection of top-notch cannabis flowers, oils, concentrates and edibles.

For first-time marijuana buyers, our clearly labeled products and knowledgeable budtenders make the selection process both effortless and enjoyable. Explore our range now and elevate your cannabis experience to new heights.